Vegetable smoothie with celery

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Vegetable smoothie with celery

Vegetables are needed each day. Liquid vegetable refreshing smoothie. Is possible prepare spicy version too.

Ingredients for recipe: Vegetable smoothie with celery

Directions for recipe: Vegetable smoothie with celery

Celery, tomato and cucumber wash well. Peel the cucumber and cut into smaller pieces. Blend everything together by hand mixer, or put everything to the blender. When everything is pureed until smooth, add mineral water or drinking water according to need. At the end mix again all together.

If you like spicy flavor add a pinch of chili powder to smoothie. For a stronger flavor, add the cleaned and diced carrots or beetroot. Part of mineral water is also possible to replace the yoghurt or kefir.

Tags for recipe: Vegetable smoothie with celery

Smoothie Vegetable smoothie Tomato Celery Cucumber Cumin Mineral water

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