Refreshing smoothie with kiwi. For final garnish use pomegranate seeds.
Kiwi peel and cut into smaller pieces. Add remaining ingredients and blend them together by hand blender until smooth (or put everything to the blender), pour mineral water as needed, but just a little. Add mineral water as needed, but not so mutch. Instead mineral water you can use normal water. At the end mix again all together. Pomegranate seeds user for garnishing coctail.
One kiwi you can replace by banana, coctail than fill up you more.
Smoothie Kiwi Banana Mineral water Pomegranate Lime juice Cane sugar Fruit smoothie
Almond Smoothie Smoothie with ginger Vegetable smoothie with celery Red Smoothie Breakfast Fruit Smoothie Orange creamy Smoothie Strawberry smoothie Blueberry smoothie Cucumber smoothie with carrot and coriander Smoothie with nettles