Green Smoothie

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Green Smoothie

Green Smoothie is a good idea to detox, to supplement the vitamins and for lovers of Raw foods.

Ingredients for recipe: Green Smoothie

  • 1 a handful of Spinach
  • 1 cucumber
  • more powerful slice of ginger
  • lemon juice from half a lemon
  • 100 ml water

Directions for recipe: Green Smoothie

Wash a handful of spinach, natrháme and put into the blender. Cucumber rozkrojíme and get rid of the seeds, chop and add to the blender. Grate the ginger and, together with the lemon juice and water to Blender. All together to a smooth green Smoothie.

Tags for recipe: Green Smoothie

Spinach Ginger Cucumber Lemon


Discussion for recipe: Green Smoothie

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